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Ten Reasons Why You Know You're Obsessed With Knightmare

You know you're getting obsessed with Knightmare...

...when you invite someone round to dinner and insist they answer a riddle correctly before letting them eat anything...
...when you've got a sore throat and you try to cast a CURE spell to get better...

...when you're accused of lying and answer "I can't believe I said that, dear me, what a little fibber I am!"...

...when you start describing in close detail the contents of the room to someone who can see it perfectly clearly for themselves...

...when you respond to someone else's virulent illness with the words "A danger to life force present"...

...when you and your family get in the car and you cry "Brace yourselves for a crash landing! The end of the tunnel's up ahead and the car just won't slow do-o-o-o-o-o-wwwwnn!!!!"...

...when you get lost on a day out and you tell someone in your party to hold up the eye-shield...

...when you start thinking you'll look like sex on a stick if you grow a fifteen-inch black beard...

...when you put an upturned mixing bowl on your head to block your view and demand your girlfriend give you directions out of the room...

And the number one reason you know you're getting obsessed with Knightmare is...

...when you watch a news report on TV about an airline disaster on the other side of the world and you say "Oooooo nasty!"