...one of Lord Fear's egotistical tirades and Fidgit
defying gravity?
Well, one's a gloating fit and the other's a floating
...a full piggy bank and Velda's hair-do?
Well, one's a pig with wealth and the other's a wig
with elf.
of four and Hordriss the Confuser?
Well, one is two and two is one. (You may have to
think about that one.)
...an armoured knuckle
and Skarkill getting beaten up?
Well, one's a scaled thumb and the other's failed scum.
...Ridolfo when
he's angry and Gretel when she's crying?
Well, one's a mad singer the other's a s-... no, better not. (I didn't say it!
I didn't say it, so I'm not in trouble.)
...Lord Fear doing cabaret
and Motley doing a drag act?
Well, one's a wit in a gig... and you can probably
work out the rest of the joke for yourself.
Thanks to Drassil on the YABB forum for these two...
What's the difference between a red-clad
mage and an ancient Chinese philosopher who refuses to throw anything away?
One is Hordriss the Confuser, the other
is Confucius the hoarder.
What's the difference between the Dungeon Antechamber and
a urinal with a custodian who charges money?
In one are Pickle and Treguard, and in the other, you trickle
then pay guard.
Also on the forum, Zagor sends us...
What's the difference between an opposition leader
and a Shakespearean character that makes cars? One is called Lord Fear and the other is called Ford