Take a sip...
- whenever Blake barks, "Leave it!" in a
testy voice
- whenever Avon barks, "Come on!"
in an impatient voice
- every time Avon tells someone, "You're
a fool."
- any time Travis snarls, "WHAT!"
- if Cally makes fearful noises about being
- when a prop falls apart in one of the actors'
- whenever Vila insults Avon
- twice if Avon has an even stronger retort
- whenever Vila moans about being cold
- whenever Vila opines that all in the
proximity are imminently to perish
- any time Vila needs something very obvious
explained to him
- any time Gan shows signs of possessing
any personality at all
- every time Orac instructs people not to
waste his time
- any time Zen quibbles over the wording
of a command or question
- if Travis has an opportunity to shoot Blake
and delays opening fire too long
- if Dayna has an opportunity to shoot
Servalan and delays opening fire too long
- every time Cally's disembodied voice seems
to drop an octave in pitch when she communicates with someone telepathically
- any time someone teleports and Dudley
Simpson's usual "DUH-DEE-DUH-DEE-DUH-DEE-DUH-DEE-DUH-DUUUUUH!" bar of incidental music can be heard as they rematerialise
- whenever anyone proclaims "It's our only
- whenever anyone proclaims "We've got no
- when Blake blatantly misleads the rest
of the crew about his plans
- when Blake flatly fails to answer
a direct question from the crew
- when Avon subtly fails to answer a
direct question from the crew
- when Orac answers a question with
another question
- every time Avon makes disparaging remarks
about heroic people or behaviour
- whenever Vila is being pushed around by
someone and he says, "There's no need for violence is there?" or some variation
- every time someone's teleport bracelet
seems to have swapped wrists for no apparent reason
- every time someone seems to pluck a teleport
bracelet or a weapon out of thin air
- if someone's teleport bracelet falls off
when it clearly wasn't in the script
- any time Avon smiles at his own bad luck
- twice if he bursts out laughing as well
- whenever Soolin's South African accent
causes her to pronounce something differently to everyone else
- any time Jenna or Servalan sound like Margaret
- if Avon and Cally start finishing off each
other's sentences
- every time somebody punches or kicks
an opponent, and yet it's all too clear that they've missed them by a mile - you might as well just finish your
drink and start the next one during Jenna's fight with the guardian in "Time Squad"
- whenever Avon and Tarrant get into a shallow,
posturing argument
- (NOTE: during Season 4, this one will make
you VERY drunk) when Avon makes over-expressive hand movements while giving orders or asking questions
- every time a Federation trooper gets shot
or beaten up and falls over like a clown
- every time a crew member meets an
old friend who tries to double cross them
- twice if the crew member isn't Avon
- when Vila or Orac complain about being
given work to do
- any time Avon insults Blake while he's
not in the room
- whenever Soolin wears her hair in
a strange pineapple style
- whenever Blake wears his hair in a strange
privet hedge style
- whenever Avon wears his hair like
he's been using too much spray on it
- every time Avon growls, "Get on with it"
while waiting to teleport
- any time Avon saves Blake's life
- twice if Blake manages to find the courtesy to thank him for it
- if Slave congratulates Avon for displaying "consummate skill"
- twice if Avon thanks him
- three times if he thanks him in a smug voice
- whenever Jenna blinks much too rapidly
- any time Vila complains about his
little aches and pains
- every time Vila volunteers for teleport
- whenever Vila gets carried away with
picking a lock
- every time Tarrant describes one of
Dayna's inventions as "Gaudy but effective"
Finish your drink and start a new one...
- every time Servalan makes Travis into
a scapegoat
- whenever Blake and Avon stare at each
other for such a long moment that you're convinced they're about to snog
- any time Avon or Travis pause smoulderingly,
in what is an attempt to appear enigmatic, but which instead gives the impression that they've forgotten their lines
- every time Blake loses his temper
at a crewmate for daring to make a perfectly valid point
- any time Vila is drunk and actually
sounds more coherent than when he's sober
- every time Vila tries it on with a
female crew member
- whenever Avon kisses a woman he's
just been arguing with
- whenever Avon, in confrontation with a
female, violently grabs hold of her and seems "inadvertantly" to grope an inappropriate part of her body (who'dya think you're
fooling, Darrow, you sly dog you?)
- every time Orac cheerfully endangers the
entire crew to satisfy his own curiosity
- any time a computer shows signs of a bruised
- whenever Tarrant appears to have fallen
in love with someone who's clearly going to give him nothing but trouble
- when an episode ends with Blake defeating
Travis in a humiliating manner
- whenever Servalan defeats Avon in
a humiliating manner
If you're in a real hurry to get drunk, take a sip...
- every time Zen drones "Confirmed"
- every time Zen drones "Negative"
- whenever Avon threatens someone elaborately
- any time Avon uses the words "rational"
or "irrational"
- when a wall/spaceship/prop wobbles uncontrollably
- every time Slave expresses despair
at his own shortcomings
- every time Slave apologises
- any time Slave addresses Avon or Dorian
as "Master"
- any time Slave addresses Vila or Tarrant
as "Sir"
- any time Slave addresses Dayna or
Soolin as "Madam"
- if Avon instructs Slave to
be quiet
- whenever Avon displays affection for
- whenever Vila displays affection for Dayna
- every time Gan looks confused
- every time Gan has a headache
- for any scene in which Servalan appears
wearing any outfit that is neither white nor black
- every time Vila unlocks something
- every time Vila appears to be snoozing
on duty
- every time Servalan kills someone on her
own side
Any additions you'd like to suggest are welcome!